(Are my mom and sister shrinking, or am I getting taller!?!)

We don't know where we're going but you can follow us
(Are my mom and sister shrinking, or am I getting taller!?!)
Dane's been riding all over the house these days. One day Brad took his bike over to grandma's for him to practice in the driveway and that was it! He's so good on it, he rides all over the house and never runs into anything..... He's gotten quite good at steering! He's also riding his fourwheeler all over the yard and on the trails in the woods. Can't believe how much he's grown.
Oh My Gosh! I did it. I figured it out!!! Finally got these videos to upload. I'm so tech-savvy :) or not, it only took me WEEKS to figure it out. So the next few posts will probably be videos since I have a back log of them that I've never been able to show.
Here's The Scamp on it's 1st run! Brad was so nervous something was going to go wrong. He had a few kinks to work out but it's good now. We've been out in it a few times when the weather is nice and not raining......which is basically 1 day a week these days. It's pretty funny, Dane's carseat is in the back seat. He LOVES to ride in it.
Like Father, Like Son.
Here it is all finished and suctioned to the window. Pretty cute I think.
Just for fun I entered the photo at I Heart Faces
Dane was almost 3 months old in this picture. He's almost 2 1/2 now so these super cuddly moments are fleeting :(
He's much to busy to sit still for too long. My best bet for a cuddly moment is to catch him in the morning when he first wakes up or nearing bedtime.
I toasted the couscous in alittle evoo first, then added diced onion and chicken stock and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Then served the chicken/mushroom over the couscous.
This is NOT what I wanted to post today! I tried for 1 1/2 hours to upload 2 different videos, one is the cutest video of Dane singing and the other of Brad firing up the Scamp and getting it out of the garage for the 1st time. Bummer. I'll try again when I have some time to figure out why it won't upload :( Grrrr. Irritating!