Say hello to the cutest baby girl.......but I may be slightly biased.

5 3/4 months old.
We have another busy exciting month coming up around here. Next on our list is...
~ Longshore Thanksgiving. November 27th.
Lauryn Byrdy Photography Holiday Mini Session with REAL PENGUINS! The set will include real snow and baby penguins from the Columbus Zoo. Scheduled for December 1st. I need to assemble some warm, colorful, coordinated clothing for Dane & Olive suitable for a winter holiday session. Yea!! So excited!
~ Olive's 6 month well baby check....6 months!! Wow, How did that go so fast! December 2nd.
~ The family photo shoot done by photographer Chris Whitsett from Our Blessings Photography. Scheduled for December 3rd. These will also include some singles of Olive (6mths) and Dane (4yrs)
~ BIRTHDAY BOY turns 4! Big party on December 4th for Dane. Still need to figure out the cupcake situation...just not sure what to do.
~Office Christmas Party on the 10th.
~Longshore Christmas to be determined
~Burrey Christmas on Christmas Day.
Busy, Busy, Busy!