Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sand Play

Monday, July 25, 2011
Morning Time Lovin'
Saturday, July 23, 2011
8 weeks

* We've been practicing with Olive and trying to get her to take a bottle. She doesn't particularly dig it. I have concerns she may starve to death when I return to work. Seriously. Brad thinks I'm being irrational. He's probably right. I've been reading lots of articles with tips on how to make the trasition work and most of things we do. I'd been the one trying to give it to her and one of the articles said that babies can smell their mother within 20 feet! That's amazing! and some babies won't readily take a bottle if they can see or even smell their mother. So you know what happened yesterday? I left the house, went outside and sat on the porch and Voila! Olive took the bottle. Not a lot mind you but she did suck on it and swallow some of the milk. Thank god now she won't starve.
Friday, July 22, 2011
A Birthday Party

Pin the tail on the donkey.

Musical chairs.
A minute to win it game where the boys had to walk a circle while balancing an egg on a spoon.
* Back to work in 4 days. I think I'm going to throw up. Lord give me strength. I'm not ready to leave my babies behind. God bless their grandparents for watching them while I'm at work. I'd never be able to leave them with strangers.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Big Brother Love

Monday, July 18, 2011
Lo. Co. Fair

* Dane's fever just popped up yesterday mid-morning. He had told me earlier that day that he head was tired but I just giggled cause it sounded like another one of his silly things to say. I thought to check it when he came in from fourwheeler riding and laid down on the couch. Dane doesn't ever lay down so I knew something was up. It was 101.4. Huh? Otherwise he seems fine so we just alternated Tylenol and Aspirin. Today when he woke up the fever was gone and he was his normal mischievous self. However it started to creep back up toward 100 at lunchtime.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Ahhh, That's better!

The only thing is you have to buy a separate connector.
*As you can probably tell I started pumping a few weeks ago. I'm trying to save up for going back to work, 12 days left of maternity leave. Just the thought makes my stomach churn. Ugg. Not ready at all but truth be told I never would be ready. It's just never a good time to leave your precious baby behind.
It's really hard to work in something else during the day as well. So after I feed Olive I set up the pump and pump away. Usually while Dane is driving me crazy running a muck and creating all sorts of chaos. Which makes it super hard to relax and let the milk down. Which makes pumping take that much longer. Then the stress of thinking I won't have enough milk stored up for her, etc, etc.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Swim Lessons Recap

It did get better, thank god. Day 4 and 5 were much better and he was actually having some fun. Our trip to Kentucky where Dane and Brad played in the pool all weekend really helped cause when we returned to lessons that next week he was a changed boy.
Here he is with a look of determination before he hops on the diving board.
and takes a giant sized superman leap toward one of his instructors.
and a close-up of her face because she was not expecting that! I wish I'd kept on shooting because he hit her with such force it knocked her right off her float stick and they both went under! (giggles, so funny)
Her gave her a break the next time.
The following day.
Last day of lessons and all smiles!! Dane graduates to Level 2 next year!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Kentucky Fun

Sunday, July 3, 2011
Up Close & Personal
Friday, July 1, 2011
Can you feel it?