So busy here at the Grimes household. Perfect timing for Brad to get the laid-off for the Winter call. I need his assistance this week.
We don't know where we're going but you can follow us
Here's a video of Dane entertaining Olive.
How can something SO ANNOYING to one person be super funny to another.......somehow she thinks he's hysterical!
~ The family photo shoot done by photographer Chris Whitsett from Our Blessings Photography. Scheduled for December 3rd. These will also include some singles of Olive (6mths) and Dane (4yrs)
Another video of Dane's bike ride that didn't go as smoothly as the last one posted. He just kept getting back up and trying again. I was so proud of him!
At the Peterson's house Dane rode his bike solo for the first time! He did so good! We need to practice more and I think it would help if he had a little bit of a bigger bike. I think he's out grown this one.
Dane making Olive laugh. This house is a complete zoo.......and I LOVE IT!
* Olive cut her first 2 teeth already. One on October 26th and the next one on October 27th, a few days shy of being 5 months old. Kinda early. I guess she's in a hurry.