Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Olive!

I had to pick a few more of my favorite photos from her photo shoot to show you.

Love, love, love this one!
She's demonstrating her new skill of standing on her own.

Oh Olive. The fastest year has gone by.
She's been worth every sleepless night, every ache and pain, every tear.  She is absolutley everything I never knew I wanted and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

 Love ya Mama.
Happy 1st Birthday!

  *Off to watch Dane ride his fourwheeler for the 1st time in the Memorial Day parade in Zanesfield this morning.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Birthday Girl!

A little sneak peek photo from Olive's 1 year photo session shot last night by my friend Jen.
Ahhhh, So gorgeous! So in love.

2 days till my sweet baby turns 1!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Boy and His Dog

 Dane and Juno very much have a love hate relationship. They have good moments together puctuated with moments where I'm playing the referee between them. I know they will be very close when they both grow up alittle.

There were many days while I was off on 'vacation' where Dane and Juno would head out as early as 8am to play. Alot of times I am sure they were getting into trouble.  I chose to ignore it and hope they were being good. 

Here they are one day playing tug of war with a tree branch.

One day it started to rain in the evening. I was waiting for him to come inside  but he never did so I snuck out with the camera to see what they were doing. Here they were sitting in the back yard staring at each other and Dane was just laughing and laughing about something.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Warm Weather and Baby Rompers

I've pretty much decided I'm gonna keep Olive in Rompers all summer. They are so stinkin' adorable and soooo easy. Just slap it on and go. 

Olive has decided that she doesn't like the grass to touch her knees so she adapted her crawling technique. I do think if I have her outside more that she may walk faster because she kept trying to just stand up instead of crawling at all.

I feel these pigtails make Olive look a little older.....thinkin' maybe I don't like them anymore :(
Her birthday is less than a week away. How does this happen so fast?!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Three Amigo's

 Boy do these three manage to keep me busy! Primarily Dane and Juno. Those 2 drive me totally crazy. They are constantly getting into mischief together.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Zoo Date!

I'm on vacation from work this week. Notice the 'from work' in the last sentence cause being a stay at home mom while rewarding and sometimes fun is EXHAUSTING and in no way a 'vacation'.  Brad has been working 11 hours days and will be working on Saturday too :( 

So to preserve my sanity..... I may have lost my cool several times yesterday while being cooped up in the house I decided that today we would head to the zoo. Dane suggested I call Delilah's mommy and ask her to go too so that's what I did. We had a great time. The weather was perfect!

Check it out! I for the 1st time put Olive's hair into pigtails! Stinkin' cute!

Olive, Dane & Lilah

 Dane kept asking me to take his picture. That almost never happens.

We've had a good day here in The Grimes household so far.

* And because nothing is perfect Olive has a mysterious rash or serious of bumps on her torso so we're off to the Dr. today.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


My grandparents played a vital role in my upbringing. I still think about my grandfather's almost daily and I can imagine how much joy my children would have given them.

It's heartwarming to see the bond that Dane has with my parents. For I know that they are also helping to shape who he becomes. I vow to take as many photos with them together as possible because my favorite pictures of me growing up aren't the best quality, we aren't wearing the nicest clothes, not even looking at the camera and smiling but I'm in the arms of my grandparents.  Dane and Olive may not realize it now but they will look back at their childhood and cherish these times they had together.

 Papa Longshore needs help planting his tomato plants.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dane Graduates!

Dane graduated preschool today! Kinda bittersweet.

Beginning of the school year (Sept 2011)

End of the schoolyear (May 2012)

Here's a few snapshots of todays graduation. Breakfast snack time.

Working on the last page of his preschool scrapbook.

A page from the book. Funny Stuff!
 Favorite color: Red? He's never told me that. He always says green.
Best Friend: Maddie (our 17yr old neighbor aka Dane's "girlfriend.")
Favorite Food: Cream corn. Guess I don't have to try too hard.
What he wants to be when he grows up: Policeman.

The BEST teachers a kid could ask for! Miss Cande and Miss Deb!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Re-Nesting Of Sorts

Still loving my super awesome chair and since I have some leftover fabric I am going to make (have my mom make) a few throw pillows for the couch.   I recently just purchased this citrine bird print below to use on one side of the pillow. Won't that look cool?!  I need to livin this place up a bit. Throw a punch of color in.

I am still on the lookout for the perfect print for my dining room chair cushions.  A cool funky print preferably with grey/black/gold and not too much white that I can throw in the wash when neccessary.  Could be too much to ask....but I am loving this one.

What do you think?

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Dane loves Andy (Aunt Randi)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Girl Could Get Used To This

For the 3rd time in the last 6 months I got to visit with my bestest friend. Her recent move giving us a closer proximity is working out quite well. We had a great day Friday. Just us. Shopping, sushi, ice-cream and catching up. Saturday evening was reserved for the rest of the family.

My kids just love her.  

 Dane caught a fish.


Most special. Ellen got to stay and read Dane his bedtime story.

Really looking forward to our next visit in August where we will visit her and Kirk at their new home in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Kitty is doing quite well. I think when the hair grows back it won't look half bad.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pretty Lucky Really

 Lunch at The Peterson's last weekend.

I happen to really enjoy my husbands side of the family. I know that's not always the case for the  "in-laws".  Mine happen to be really pretty cool.

Breanna's baby. Hollis. He's getting quite big. Dane just loves him. For a boy Dane is so nuturing. He loves holding and kissing babies. With Olive he is still that way. Loving and protective. I hope it continues for a long time. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Brad took Dane to get his haircut last weekend. He gets it cut just like his dad. A tight little fade and it's adorable but when he came home he suddenly looked to much more grown up.

Such a handsome little devil. 

I'm starting to realize that while raising a boy is fantastically fun it can also be a bit depressing. Several months ago he confessed his love to another girl in preschool. While very cute and funny I had to fight the urge to cry. I'm felt jealous. How pathetic. I'm suppose to be the love of his life. I know I still am.....for now. Then I started thinking about how I will feel when he really does love someone else. Oh my gosh,  When he marries someone?! I will be one of those crazy mothers. Crying uncontrollably. 

Well. Enough of that. He's mine for now.