Today we're having Olive's birthday party. Today is also my 31st birthday. 31. I'm feeling pretty good. Happy and content with my life and myself. I am who I am. You like me or you don't and that's ok. (Brad endlessly teased me about this selfie photo) Whatever.
She was kinda of in a mood today. Not wanting her picture taken. I did the best I could with what she was given me to work with.
Olive and her Papa.
Brad repaired the Jumpline today!
And the moment she's been waiting for....CAKE!
Momo & Obi
Momo and Papa gave Olive a bubble blower for her birthday. It was a huge hit! Loving this picture of pure joy!
Uncle John & Obi
Brad brought me coffee in bed today. It's the simple things. After a lazy hour or so I spent the rest of the day cleaning and preparing for the party. It was a good birthday spent with the ones I love.
Missing the presence of a few who couldn't make it and Grandma Burrey. She would have loved it.