Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pool Time

A few pics of our pool time this week.

 Aunt Randi and Obi come for a visit.


Dane is also starting to make some swim progress. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Swim lessons started this week. I look forward to this time every year. The fun. The sun. The pool. Plus, I grew up at this pool. Endless memories.

After swimming for about an hour just for fun lessons started for Dane. Olive watches on.

Thanks mom for getting them there and even staying to swim for a bit. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Our Weekend

We finally got a chance to borrow a skid loader to move some dirt. Brad got it all smoothed out and used some of the extra to make a fourwheeler jump for Dane.

 Olive was adorable. Per usual.

We did a little swinging. Dane Is getting better at swinging on his own now and Olive is starting to enjoy it more. She seems to get butterflies in her tummy very easily. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Time!

Olive's new swimsuit arrived today. I wanted her to have a rash guard for our beach vacation this summer. Can you say ADORABLE!?!  She kills me with cuteness. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

No Time

I don't have free time. We have so many things that need done. Several things need painted. I've mentioned the front door a few times. Its still not decided. Not that I would have the time if I did pick a color. Painting is something you can't easily do with small kids in the house. I use to do this sort of thing when they napped. Now instead I excercise. Which currently seems more important. Its good for me in many ways. Physical health yes. I've lost 32 lbs. Mental health most definitely. I can run out the stress of daily life and it feels good. 

Anyways. When Brad isn't working where he might be able to watch the kids and this color thing is decided. Maybe I can paint the front door. Or the linen closet door or maybe the french doors......

Currently in love with this golden yellow....

And this Sunny Orange color. Ooooo. So happy looking!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Just A Pickin'

 We took advantage of the weather and went Strawberry pickin. It was so fun! 

Olive couldn't keep her cute chubby hands out of the bucket....

And it was written ALL OVER her face. Ha!

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Baby and Her Baby

Olive had her 2yr well baby this morning. She's  34 1/4 inches tall (85%)and 25.9 lbs (25%). Look who's taking after her dad and brother in the long and lean category! 

I thought ahead and brought along her own baby thinking it might help. It did.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Summer Wedding

When we got the invitation for our friends Kat & Myra's outdoor wedding we were instantly excited. While we were obviously excited for them (they've been dating for 10+ years) we also knew it meant DATE NIGHT!  Thanks so much to my parents for watching the monsters and BONUS keeping them overnight. It was a much needed adult time break.

It was the most beautifully simple outdoor ceremony. It suited them perfectly. The weather was wonderful 75 degrees and sunny. Not too hot. Not too cold. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Today we're having Olive's birthday party. Today is also my 31st birthday. 31. I'm feeling pretty good. Happy and content with my life and myself. I am who I am. You like me or you don't and that's ok. (Brad endlessly teased me about this selfie photo) Whatever.

So today I made Olive some Snickerdoole Cupcakes with a Brownsugar Buttercream. They were SOOO GOOD! 
She was kinda of in a mood today. Not wanting her picture taken. I did the best I could with what she was given me to work with.

Olive and her Papa. 

Brad repaired the Jumpline today!

And the moment she's been waiting for....CAKE!

Momo & Obi

Momo and Papa gave Olive a bubble blower for her birthday. It was a huge hit! Loving this picture of pure joy!

 Uncle John & Obi
Brad brought me coffee in bed today. It's the simple things.  After a lazy hour or so I spent the rest of the day cleaning and preparing for the party. It was a good birthday spent with the ones I love.
Missing the presence of a few who couldn't make it and Grandma Burrey. She would have loved it.