When we added on our Master Suite addition the roof line affected Dane's bedroom window. So we had to take out the old one and put in a smaller crank out style window. We also replaced the other window because it had started to rot. So for the last 6months Dane has had torn up drywall with heavy blankets covering the windows. It was awful.
Neil finally made it over to insulate and fix the dry wall. I got it painted and now he can cone back to hang up the window trim.
I let Dane choose out new bedding. He chose Camo (gag, few things I hate worse than camo). I tried to steer him in a direction of less gaggy camo (is there such a thing?). Then he choose Orange as his accent color and I chose to do big fat horizontal stripes. It turned out pretty cute!
The bedding hasn't arrived yet but this is what it looks like.
We framed this pic of Dane and Papa squirrel hunting.
Uncle Morgan saud Dane could have some of his deer antlers to hang. I think I
it will turn out quite cute......for a camo bedroom.