Monday night I came home from work and made Chicken Enchiladas. I decided to switch it up and shred the chicken instead of cubing it for a couple reasons. One, Dane will probably eat it better (which was true, he ate alot.) Two, Most recipe's call for it shredded and I'd never done it that way and Three, I always end up with left over filling and I thought I could make a dip out of it that would be good. So that's what I did yest. Added salsa and cheese and baked it under the broiler. I thought it was good but I should note that Brad didn't like it. Though, he failed to give me any particular reason as to why. That's helpful. I do wish I'd used a spicier salsa though or added jalapenos to give it alittle kick. Maybe next time.
On a strange note, Dane loves to pick the onions out of everything and eat those first! He calls them "Crunchies" That's what he did with the enchiladas and the dip. He does that with our spaggetti, meatloaf, anything with onions. Weird, but funny. Do onions have any nutritional value? I don't think they do but if so Dane should be good :)
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