On of the perks of my dad working at Scott's has always been the company pool. It's a really nice outdoor heated pool and they offer about 6 stages of swimming lessons. Dane just started Level 1 yesterday. It's everyday for 2weeks from 11:45-12:15, and it's a perfect week to start since it's about 90 degrees outside!
They started things off with a roll-call. Is it a bad sign that my eyes teared up when they said his name?...... it was very school like. I'm guess I'm going to be a BIG mess when he starts preschool!
This is done in the 2foot section of the pool. Only glitch of the day is when Dane climbed in, he didn't realize that he could touch the bottom and that the lifeguard wasn't going to hold him, so he went under. Wasn't sure he would cooperate after that but he did great!
Here's the red light-green light game (sitting on the side and kicking)
Another game of being chased in the water by a "fox" aka another kid.
Lined up holding hands pretending to be a train. They were headed to the diving boards!!! What!?! There is NO WAY he's jumping off that thing.....

But he does it!! 2X!! and he liked it!!
He told Brad..."That was fun!"

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