Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Birds

We had a serious Alfred Hitchcock moment at our house this weekend. The birds all came at once Sunday morning and they stayed for awhile. How can you not see alot of bird and think of Alfred Hitchcock? Why my parents let me watch that movie as a child I don't even know. It's slightly haunted me ever since but it's classic none the less.

Zoey knew she was out numbered and didn't even bother to try and chase them away.

A little closer view.

They came back later that afternoon too. We had all the windows and doors open for some fresh air and I actually had to and close some of them cause the birds were SO LOUD that I couldn't hear the TV! It was crazy and creepy!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My lil' Cutie Pie

A rare occasion where I was playing with my camera and Dane turns to me and says
"Take my picture mom!" and he actually looked at the camera and smiled! That almost never happens!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Product Love

I get to meet some of the coolest people at work. Wonderfully creative writers, photographers, bloggers, etc. One of my favorites is a chapstick addict just like me, only she took her love of chapstick and turned it into a fabulously creative Etsy business.

It's not only chapstick though, she makes lotions, and perfume oils using 100% natural vegan ingredients. My favorite is the mosquito repellant 'Heartbroken Mosquitoes'. It's ingredients include tons of essential oils and you'll walk away smelling like a citronella candle but those pesky mosquitoes WILL NOT bother you AT ALL!

We've had a really "buggy" summer here, or maybe we've just been in the woods more often working on Dane's fort. Regardless, Earlier in the summer Dane was getting ate up by bugs. We tried all sorts of bug sprays and nothing really worked for him. (I think it's cause he's so sweet!) This product is natural, 100% deet free, safe for kids and WORKS.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Speak To Me

Our new favorite band around here is Mumford & Sons. Every song on the Sigh No More disc is a good one, but the following one really spoke to me.


And after the storm
I run and run as the rains come
And I look up, I look up
On my knees and out of luck, I look up

Night has always pushed up day
You must know life to see decay
But I won't rot, I won't rot
Not this mind and not this heart

And I took you by the hand
And we stood tall
And remembered our own land
What we lived for

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart but dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see what you find there
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair

And now I cling to what I knew
I saw exactly what was true
But oh no more, that's why I hold
That's why I hold with all I have, that's why I hold

And I will die alone, and be left there
Well, I guess I'll just go home, oh god knows where
Because death is just so full, and mine so small
Well, I scared of what's behind and what's before

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart but dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see what you find there
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair

*To hear the lyrics to music click here YOU TUBE.
Maybe it will speak to you too.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


A few more pics of our trip to Rochester, NY.
Stopping to eat @ The Hard Rock Cafe in Niagra before heading to Ellen's house. Dane loved it there, he stopped to "Rock Out" at every guitar he saw! He also got on stage alot and busted out some of his moves for the other patrons.

Saturday morning stopping for breakfast and coffee @ Spot Coffee before heading to the Museum of Play. Realized while going through my pics that this is the only photo of Ellen and I together! Why didn't I think to have Brad take our picture, not like we see eachother all the time!

Spot Coffee.

Strong Museum of Play. We spent hours here, lots of fun!

Ellen & Dane in the cock-pit of a helicopter.

For 1$ you can ride this train. Seemed kinda steep until you realize is goes around like 10X! We're not completely sure that the museum employee wasn't just bored and let him go around more than he should have.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Falls

We made a little detour on the way to Rochester to see Niagra Falls. Brad and I have never been and of course Dane hadn't seen it either. His reaction was not what I expected, he wasn't so impressed. I think he was just so excited to get out of the car that he was running around, playing with sticks, etc and "The Falls" were just a backdrop to his playtime.

Brad really really wanted to experience the Cave of the Winds where you have to wear a parka and you can get real close, right up under the falls. We didn't. We decided against taking Dane down there, I KNOW he wouldn't like it and also, riding the next 2 hours to Ellen's house with soggy pants didn't seem like fun. Maybe next time.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Just Me?

A sign in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Is it just me or is this funny?

*Also a great sign that I never got a picture of........
"Pennsylvania Corrections Facility....DO NOT PICK UP HITCHHIKERS!"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Away Having Fun!

We're currently away for a road trip weekend visiting my greatest friend in Rochester, New York! We have great plans to see Niagra Falls, and visit the Museum of Play but most of all we can't wait to spend some good quality time with Ellen :)

Wish us luck on the road with a 2 year old in the back seat! and thank you in advance to The Peterson's for lending us the DVD player for the back seat and the GPS so we don't get lost :)

Pictures to come when we get home and all settled back in. Missing you all!

Leaving you with this beautiful sunset image from Labor Day.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Labor Day Love

My parents had a labor day cookout on Monday. Always proves to be a good time and good food. After dinner the kids headed out to the front yard for a T-ball game with Mariana as coach. I like this particular photo because of the look of fear Aunt Randi has on her face. Ha!

Mariana is so patient with the "littles" as she was trying to explain the game of baseball.

Baby Zeke. He's almost 1 now and totally squeezable!
(Mariana took this photo, good job Mari!)

Claire. What a ham!

They ended the evening with a little excavating near the flower beds :)

*My Grandpa Slemmons passed away on Labor Day 11 years ago. They say that memories slowly fade the longer the person is gone but I remember everything about him just as clear as if he was sitting beside me. What a great strong admirable man he was and he is GREATLY missed!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Festival

Sunday afternoon we headed to the West Liberty Labor Day Festival. After 1/2 hour of being there we got separated. Brad said I was "looking too long" at one of the flea market set-ups so he moved on with Dane. I spent the next 1/2 roaming the isles of junk looking for them. I was beyond irritated.

I was about to give up and go sit at the car when I finally saw them. Thank god Brad is so tall! We grabbed some lunch and strolled around some more.

Just some guy walking around with a parakeet on his shoulder.

The Alpacas. So cute. Dane loved them.

The pony rides. Pretty lame really, you could tell the pony was beyond bored and didn't want to keep walking in a circle, he kept stopping. Dane didn't care, he had a blast!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Whoopie Pies

I surprised Brad with dessert after dinner on Monday. Dane "helped" me make these. Actually, he just likes to run the Kitchen Aid, so that was his job.

You can make these with any kind of cake mix. I just chose carrot, cause that's what we had and it's our favorite.

Mix one box cake mix with 1/4cup water and 2 eggs. That's it! Then place 1TBS about 2 inches apart on a baking sheet and bake at 350 for 11 minutes.

After they cool, go around and turn 1/2 of them over

Choose whatever kind of frosting you desire. I of course used cream cheese flavored. Place in a ziploc bag and snip off the corner to make a piping bag.

Smoosh the cookies together to make little whoopie pies.

Yum! These were great! and a less messy way to eat a cupcake.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Lucky Girl

We went down to Zanesfield/Goshen Church to watch the Rob Hayden Ride go by Saturday. We use to participate in this every year pre Dane and we thought he'd get a kick out of seeing all the motorcycles. He waved at them all and there were probably over 400 bikes!

I couldn't be any luckier, look at my boys :)

Love this photo.

I love the sunflare, but most of all I love that look on Dane's face. It seems inquisitive.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Breakfast At Young's

Sunday morning everyone was up early and we decided that it would be fun to take Dane to Young's Dairy for breakfast and fun. Breakfast was yummy and they have the BEST cup of coffee! I wonder what makes it so good, I can't describe it, and it's just so smooth.

After that we headed out to the animal portion. Dane was a little timid at first and scared to pet the goats but he warmed up.

This little cutie was my favorite. He was very friendly. Not long after this photo this goat sneezed right in my face! Oh Gross! I felt it splatter across my cheek and had to wipe it off the lense of my camera! Brad and Dane thought it was hysterical!

In the barn they had 2 baby Jersey Cows.
Check out Danes expression as the cow licks his shirt! Too funny :)

Then back outside to ride the "train"

Over to the batting cages next where Dane played dress up while watching Brad try to hit a few balls. Yeah, that's right, I said TRY.

Then we went to the giant blow up cow bouncy thing.

Dane had a blast!
He willingly got out to move on to other things but I think he would have stayed in there all day