Per request from a friend not able to see the growth happening here I had Brad take some baby belly shots. I had been feeling alittle guilty about not having any taken yet. Brad took some every few months or so the whole time I was pregnant with Dane and this poor baby had none :(
So here it is at 30 weeks and Dane in his Big Brother shirt.

* Currently not sick (knock on wood) and feeling pretty good. Tired today though. Brad and I had a date day/night yesterday as Dane had a sleep over at Momo and Papa Peterson's house. We went shopping and then out to dinner. Today I just don't feel like moving. Unfortunatly that wasn't possible. We had plans. Dane attended his 1st Build and Grow craft session at Lowe's and then we headed to a birthday party for my big sis.
Dr. appt on Monday for the cat (we think she has tape worms, Ewww) and for myself as well. Hopefully the result of my glucose test was good, fingers crossed.
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