Friday, April 29, 2011


We took Dane to another Build-N-Grow session at Lowe's. This week Dane and Brad built a birdhouse.

The next sessions are May 7th & May 28th. This may have been the last one I get to attend for awhile, who know's I could be off having a baby next time or Brad could be back to work. I bet I could twist a grandparents arm to take him in case I can't though.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Egg Hunt

And he's off!

Elise & Dane with their egg loot.

Patsy is Claire's 5th birthday present. The cutest Boston Terrier pup. She broke her back leg (see the cast) but it doesn't seem to slow her down.

Preggo Update: 36 1/2 weeks. Getting "checked" at the Dr's this morning. Hopefully returning with some progress news. I'll keep ya posted.

So, I'm 1cm dilated, 30% effaced and -3 station. So the question is......Will or won't I make it to my due date of May 23rd??? I'm guessing not.

Note to self: Getting "checked" at the Dr. and then heading off to work for the day= A BAD IDEA. I'm ok sitting but I've had the worst menstrual-like cramps all day!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Dane coloring eggs for Easter Dinner @ our house. We've actually never done this with him before. You can tell he's taking it very seriously and really concentrating when he's got his tongue sticking out.

He was really proud of his creations and was not satisfied with just dunking it into 1 color, he needed to dunk it into several colors to see what would happen. Hence the above color being a sort of lavender color after he dunked it into both red and purple.

We celebrated Claire's 5th birthday party yesterday with an Easter Egg Hunt. Those pictures to come in a few days.

Have a

Happy Easter


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Life's Choices....

Cowboy or Police Man????

Why choose?!

(You can be whatever you want to be.)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

On The Way

The trip down to Kentucky. So cute.

We met up with some friends last Saturday morning at a place called Super Games. For $7, less if you have a play card you get 2 solid hours of hard-core jumping play! Dane and his friends Taylor and Oliver were an exhausted sweaty mess when we left. Dane had so much fun running, climbing, jumping, giggling the whole time. We will definitely go back and I think we'll invited Dane's cousins next time, they would LOVE IT! They even rent it out for parties (wonder how much that costs?)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

@34 weeks

Currently at 35 1/2 weeks and feeling it! Every part of me hurts. I can't bend over well AT ALL (I went to work today with untied shoes and truthfully I barely got them on in the first place) Wishing I had bought some of those ugly crocs or something.

Had a few girls at work tell me it looks like she dropped down and then proceed to tell me how uncomfortable I look. Well, It's true and it is probably written all over my face. My feet hurt, my back hurts, it uncomfortable to sit, stand or walk. The only comfortable position is laying on my side. Geesh, Could I complain anymore?

I do think the girls at work are right though, she has dropped. I have to pee alot, and I'm getting a funny tingly feeling down quite low. Hmmmm. I think she's gonna make her appearance early.

Next appt on the 27th. I'll get "checked" at that point.

* Just a note. After I got "checked" when pregnant with Dane I had him 5 days later (early at 37 weeks)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Grandma Grimes & Dane

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ready, Aim, Fire!

In Kentucky. The weather was so perfect! 75-80 degrees and sunny with only a few small passing showers. We had tons of good quality outdoor play and fresh air. While we brought toys for Dane to play with his favorite thing was the fake shotgun that Aunt Tammy gave him. He spent most days "shooting" animals in the backyard.

Look close at his squinty eye, now that's some focus!

And check out that stance, he means business!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Big South Fork Railway

We made the much anticipated trip to Kentucky last weekend to visit family. One last trip as a family of 3. While there we decided to get up early on Friday and head down to the Big South Fork Scenic Railway for a train ride on the 100 year old Kentucky and Tennessee Railway.

It was so beautiful!

Dane had a blast!

It's a 16 mile round trip stopping at an old coal mine midway.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Handmade Loveliness

My new purse purchase from Cori. Brad bought me my old purse from Cori's mom Vicki and I loved it to almost death, wore it everywhere for the last year and it was starting to show it's wear. Since becoming a mom, I must have a purse with a long strap to sling around my neck and therefore keep my hands free. Especially now with another baby on the way!! ....and there's plenty of room to throw in an emergency diaper and wipes :)

I love my hippie/hobo bag! (thanks Cori!)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Help Is On The Way!

With a baby on the way in 6 weeks and no solid name picked I decided to look for help. We've scoured the internet baby-name search engines, entered Barnes & Noble to browse through books, borrowed baby naming books from family with nothing really grabbing us.

We like older, simple, different. Like Dane, but where is the girl name version of Dane?!? I stumbled across this book 'Bring Back Beatrice' and ordered it from Amazon. I was going to just send it right to my kindle but this is a book that I need to feel between my fingers. Hopefully to dog-ear ALL the pages with totally cool names.

I feel confident that this will help us (wish us luck).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sarah & Abraham

My thank-you cards from Sarah & Abraham came in the mail! Aren't they the cutest?! You get to personalize the silhouettes to match your family and choose the color. I chose Papaya, since I didn't want the traditional pink or purple for a girl. I'm wishing the color was a little more vibrant, I was picturing is more orangy and less peachy but it's still cute.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


We left early yesterday morning to head to IKEA. Stopping on the way in Urbana at the Coffee Depot for coffee (my favorite- Chai Tea Latte) and muffins. Mmmmm Yum.

I love going to IKEA, it gives me so many idea. We actually didn't purchase any of the things we intended to, no fabric, no end of the bed bench/storage, no dining room furniture. Just didn't see what we exactly wanted. We did walk away with some cute baby burp cloths, a few kitchen items, cute foldable bins to house baby items, and an awesome art easel for Dane. Plus, We had a good time and Dane was a super good boy the whole time. Besides refusing to take a nap on the way home and therefore being slightly bad later that evening.

Here's Dane being artsy :)