Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just Hangin' Out

Just chillin' out in our jammies and snugglin in bed.

I was alarmed when I uploaded these pictures and noticed just how big Dane is getting! Wow. All stretched out and laying next to Olive he just seems very BIG now.

As always she gazes at Dane.

It's true love. For now ;)

*Dane went school clothes shopping with Breanna and Momo Peterson and now he's all set to go! I've blocked out about 40 minutes from my schedule on the 1st day so that I can meet Dane and my Dad over there and get some 1st day pictures. I hope it goes well.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

@ 12 weeks

3 months old already!? Sigh......Where does the time go?

In the last few weeks the hair on the top of Olive's head decided that it WILL NOT lay down. Oh, Geez. Her new nickname is 'Crazy Hair'. It used to lay so neat all the time, I don't know what happened.

Kinda hard to see in these pics, I'll try to get a better one to showcase the hair next time.

Boy does Olive just LOVE her big brother! All I know is that he will have to be present at all her photo shoots. Dane gets the best smiles outta her :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Balloon Fest

At the All Ohio Balloon Fest in Marysville last weekend.

I'm guessing the main draw this year was the Darth Vader balloon.

I'm not even a Star Wars fan but it was pretty cool. The major disappointment was that it wasn't launched with the other balloons :( Actually, It never was launched. It stayed tethered to the ground the whole time. Bummer

The sky jumpers were new to Balloon Fest this year and super cool.

Dane loved it!

* We got the call that Dane was being offered a position in the Marysville Methodist Creative Preschool (we'd been on the wait list for several months now) Wow. I'm still not sure whether I want to puke or cry but he's really excited about it. So starting on Sept 8th Dane will attend preschool on Tues and Thurs from 9-11:15. I think it'll be good for him.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Best Friend Is A Snail

One of the very first gifts for Olive was from my friend Ellen. Arriving in the mail was the cutest little yellow onsie with a snail riding on the back of a bird.

The brand is 'My Best Friend Is A Snail'.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Num Num Num

Oooo, Look what I got! A baby bullet so I can make Olive super yummy baby food :)

So excited, Can't wait to try it out.

Thanks Momo and Papa Peterson for the belated baby shower gift!

Love it!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Pool Party

A family get together and pool party.

This water gun was a big hit!

Cupcake time

Stacey, John and Olive

Aunt Diane with Olive

Thursday, August 18, 2011


It's complete. It's got a porch now.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bath Time

Olive loves bath-time and I love Olive.

She's got the greatest head of hair! She and everyone who see's her has to run their hand through it. I'll be so sad if it decides to fall out. Which I think happens sometimes around the 3-4 month mark for some babies.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Boy And His Toys

I made Dane a garage for all his toys out of a box because I'm a super awesome mom ;) He also requested the 'stay out' sign so no one would try to steal his dirt bikes and motorcycles.

It's designed to look like our garage.

Today it's suppose to be getting a porch.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Movin' On Up

Olive moves into a crib.

Coincidence or not she's also starting to sleep a little better as well and by better I mean every other night or so she'll sleep for 4-5 hours straight. Which means I'm sleeping alittle better. Which makes me slightly less crazy but just ever so slightly :)

* Totally just noticed a few days ago that Olive is flipping me the bird in the one photo of her on the activity mat practicing tummy time. Ha! Scroll on down to check it out.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hello Diva :)

Olive @ the fair waiting patiently for her dad and brother to finish riding rides.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Funday & Friends

Sunday morning we got a call from The Banta Family inviting us to come along with them to Youngs Dairy for breakfast and then to the Urbana fair.

Sounded just perfect to me!

I've never been to the Urbana fair. It's so much better than Logan County's! The best part........The rides are included in the fairs admission!

Brad, Dane, Taylor, Lincoln and Jen aboard the Dizzy Dragon ride.

Dane waiting for Taylor to get her balloon.

Brad & Dane ride The Sizzler. Seriously can't believe this ride didn't make Dane puke, I had a hard time just watching it!

Still can't believe Taylor and Dane rode this!

Dane liked it so much that he and Brad came back for more later on.

(Thanks for asking us to come along, We had fun!)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Activity Mat

Olive loves to lay on her activity mat.

It has a mirror she can gaze into and she's always smiling at herself.

A little tummy time to work those arm, neck and back muscles :)

Isn't she a beauty?

"Who me?"

and the truth is revealed...... She still hates tummy time!

But it's getting better everyday

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

She Rolls

This is how I found Olive in the middle of her nap. She rolled from side to belly. What surprised me most is that she kept right on a nappin'! She had previously hated "tummy time" I guess she's changed her mind :)