Monday, July 1, 2013

Great Day

Today was such a craptastic rainy day but it turned out to be a good one. The rain caused us to reschedule a raspberry pickin party with friends and that was disappointing but then Brad got rained out of work and came home. We spent the rest of the morning lounging and I squeezed in a quick little 1.2 mile run. Then when the kids napped I curled up in my bed a snoozed alittle too! Yea for afternoon siestas in my cozy bed with the pitter patter of rain on our tin roof. 

After naps Dane and I were off to meet up with my dear friends to see their new baby girl and eat ice cream. The ice cream was good and the baby is beautiful. She slept on me. How precious.

Next, swim lessons. Dinner date at Chipotle with my little man and a little shopping afterwards.

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