Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Gathering

Today we laid my grandma to rest.  I found this to be extremely difficult. Perhaps I don't handle deaths well.  After arriving to the church this morning I found it rather hard to even walk across the lawn to the front door. I really didn't want to. I suppose because it makes it true. Final. Done. Yes I realize people can't live forever. Yes, I know, she was almost 94. It was her time, she's in a better place and blah blah blah.  It still hurts.
There was an open mic during the funeral today. I wanted to speak. I have a lot to say about her but public speaking is NOT my thing. Not that I could have held it together anyway. Kudos to you that can and did today. Your awesome.
If I could have I would have said this.
Growing up next to our grandmother made us very close but it didn't matter if you were near or far. She loved us so much. I never once doubted her love. Not once.
 I think it must be very special to reach an older age and to be able to look back at all you've done. All you've created. 55 years of marriage to my grandfather, 4 kids, 17 grandkids and 34 great grandchildren. That's amazing. Without her there would be no me. No you. To show you her spunky and sometimes inappropriate nature I will tell you what she once told me. In my early teen years I must have questioned her in having her last child (my mom) when she was 40. With a smile on her face she replied...."Well, Practically every time your grandpa hung his pants on the bed I got pregnant."
 Never one to miss a chance to get a family photo. Here's my parents with us kids.
 Us kids, spouses and grandchildren.
 My parents with all 9 grandbabies.
 Randi, Ryan and Obi

 He drives me crazy but I love him. Brad and I.

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