Monday, October 22, 2012

Oh,They DO Have A Mother.

Sometimes I get frustrated about the fact that I'm rarely in photos with the kids. It's almost always Brad. Will they look back and wonder where I was? Will they remember it was me who was behind the lens? I hope so. So today I tried to set the timer on the camera and sneak myself into the picture.  Not an easy thing to accomplish really.
This was one of the pictures that turned out ok.
I think I could use one of those wireless camera remotes.
I'm not even sure they make those for my camera. Guess I'll have to look into it.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Full Moon Festival.....EDWARD!

Tonight was the unveiling of the Edward Scissorhand costume that my mom and I had worked so hard on for the last month. I first stumbled across this diy blog several months ago and just fell in love with the idea of Dane as Edward Scissorhands.
Dane did an awesome job acting the part and WE WON BEST COSTUME at the Full Moon Festival!
Here's the makeup.

Adding the wig really made it.

Some before shots here at the house before we left.
He really mastered that wide eyed Edward Scissorhand "look".
 Totally cracks me up!
Love this one in front of the library!
Ok. So Olive was there too. Let's not forget this cutie!
 She was a cute little pink monster.
Seriously?! How cute is my little family!
We had a blast! Next up is Patient Appreciation Day at my office, followed by trick or treat night in Zanesfield. Dane has to wear this 2 more times!  Awesome :)

Friday, October 19, 2012


So many things we take for granted. Daily. How sad.
Fall reminds me of this every year. Not because Thanksgiving is soon coming but because I get to see this view everyday and most of the time I'm not paying attention. However, in the fall it DEMANDS your attention with it's colors. How beautiful. How lucky to live here and see this everyday. This county is full of wonderfully beautiful things, caverns, castles, historical sites. How sad that we live here and don't frequent these places or pay attention to how special they are.
This applies to everything in our lives. How lucky are we?! EXTREMELY!
Feeling so grateful for all I've been given.  So blessed. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Field Trip Day

@ Leed's Pumpkin FarmSo fun. I'd love to come here sometime with friends or family. There are alot of different activities for everyone.
My handsome boy.
Back off ladies you'll have to fight me for him!
Hand feeding the cute little goats. I think we need some goats at home.
Rolling around.

Pedeling the tractor bikes. This was his favorite thing.
Showing his prize pumpkin/gourds.
We're busy here working on Dane's super cool Halloween Costume. It's the first one I've actually made (my mom's helping me) and not bought. It's got  MAJOR cool factor. Can't wait to unveil him in it. It needs to be finished by the 20th for Zanesfields Full Moon Festival. 
Olive will be a monster. A cute little monster. Maybe next year I'll make her (aka my mom will help me) something and I'll just buy Dane one. I've always wanted to make a Rainbow Brite costume. Remember her all you peeps from 1980 something?! Now wouldn't that be precious!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Baby It's Cold Outside

Fall has definitely arrived! It was darn right chilly this weekend.  Bundling up the babies for they went out to play was a must!
I am NOT looking forward to the endless mess of hats/gloves/scarves. It took me 10 minutes and approx 10 individual gloves to find a pair that actually were the same size and matched! Notice after all that he's not even wearing said gloves! I need a better system.

Not to mention trying to keep those items on Olive's body. The only reason she's wearing this hat is because it's attached to her dress underneath and I think she forgot about it.


* Dane soccer team won again on Saturday!
*I took this coming Tues off work to attend Dane's preschool field trip.
 It's gonna be so fun. I love spending quality time with my boy.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Olive @ 16mths

Trying to get any sort of decent picture of her is extremely hard these days.
She's constantly on the move.
Olive is so much fun and girl clothes are INSANELY cute!
 Olive's go to expression for
 'I'm NOT gonna do what your telling me too'

Friday, October 5, 2012

Camo Boy

This is the outfit I found my son in when I picked him up from his Momo and Papa's house yesterday. My mother made his this camo outfit while he was at preschool and surprised him with it when he came home. How cool is that?! He loves it. Wore it home and for most of the evening. Till he decided he wanted to go get muddy but didn't want to dirty it.
Can you find him in this picture? He thinks he's invisible.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


OH MY GOODNESS! Our gorgeous neighbor girl Madi is a senior this year. She happens to be Dane's girlfriend as well. She was on the homecoming court this year! Doesn't she look SO PRETTY! We just had to attend the homecoming parade to see her. Dane brought her flowers and I have never seen him so shy or bashful with her. It was ADORABLE!
Just look as this! Holding hands even. Check out his expression and his feet. Shy much? As we walked away I asked him why he was so shy with her and he says in a whisper "Because she looked so beautiful."
 My beautiful niece Catrina is a highschool cheerleader! Not sure how she got that old.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Game 4

Another victory! We won 5-1.
 I'm really probably the only person who keeps score. I'm much more competetive than I thought.
Looks like Dane intimidates the opposing team by booger picking. Ha! So funny.

Olive & Papa.

Well. I have it figured out. Olive thinks she's a member of the team. No wonder I spend the entire game chasing her off the field. She's trying to help her team :)