Saturday, March 29, 2014


Lady Tutu 5k at Easton Towne Center. This race was SO FUN! 
It is nearly impossible to be grumpy when there are over 1000 women running around in Tutu's. I felt like a child. 

The weather was chilly at 39° but we got super lucky because after the race was over it started to rain and the temperature started to drop and then it started sleating and snowing. 

Marna & I pre race.

My beautiful 15year old niece Mariana and I after the race.
She is a speedy little track star And at our last 5k she beat me by 2 1/2 minutes so I had a plan to use her as a pacer and try and catch her. I couldn't.  BUT I did stay hot on her trail and smoked my last PR. Unofficially my time was 25 min 57 seconds. A 8:41min/mile pace!!

This race was very well ran. Our bibs had our name on it, they called your name as you crossed the finish line and you got a medal!! Sweet!

Official results are in!!!

Time: 25min 46 sec

Pace: 8:30min/mile

-37th out of 909 participants
-16th out of 337 in my age group (30-39)

And a shout out to my pacer niece Mariana who placed 2nd in her age group!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Up Next

Coming up this Saturday is the Lady Tutu 5k at Easton. I'm running with my older sister and 
my beautiful teenage nieces. Also with my friend and fellow hygienist and her daughter who will be doing a run/walk scenario since my friend is still injured. 

It should be alot of fun! I haven't been working on speed as much as I have endurance lately but I'm hoping to at least come in at a similar time as my last 5k which was around 27:30. 
Rumor has it that it might be raining so that could make it interesting. 

I spent last Saturday making these Tutu's for everyone.

Of course I will be taking pictures.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Week In Pictures

Olive cuddles up to her Uncle David to show him something on her Nabi. This is very rare.

The weather was actually nice for a few days.

Olive was crazy and adorable as usual.

Brad was working out of town so my normal long outside Sunday morning run couldn't  happen.  Granted I could have asked someone to watch them for a few hours BUT they are actually a little under weather with sneezes and snifffles and coughs :( 

So anyway. I toughed it out. Put 'Frozen' in for the kids to watch. Cranked up 'Sons of Anarchy'  on Netflix and ran ran ran. 
My new treadmill PR in distance. 7 miles. Previous treadmill mileage was 6.3. Ya do watcha gotta do.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Step To Me......

l dare ya! Hahaha (evil laughter). 

 Brad and I went on a date last night. Actually, we were in search of a new microwave. Ours died. So we took advantage of my sister and niece and they watched the kids. We also went to dinner and stopped by Fleet Sports where Brad bought me a some runners Mace. He must love me enough to not want me find me a ditch somewhere. Almost needed it on today's run. I was charged at by a barking German Shepherd mix. Finger on trigger and all but I yelled and it ran away. 

This is so true. I used to aim to get in 3 miles. I remember being so thrilled the first time 
  I ran 2 1/2 miles without stopping. I've come along way in the last year.  I now consider anything less than 5 miles a 'short run'.  Isn't that crazy!?

Today is usually reserved for my longer runs. It didn't really work out that way but i kinda planned on taking it easy today. The wind was crazy today. I altered my typical path several times because the wind was straight at my face and it was taking my breath away. I just couldn't breath!  28° today. I think i was spoiled by the last few days of warmer temps because it felt FREEZING and I
I've ran in colder.

However, check out that pace! I'm getting quicker and able to keep it for a longer distance. Sweet! 

So, remember my last goal of running a 20 miles in a week? I did it twice! Now on to a new goal.  I'm thinking maybe my next goal will be to reach 10miles in 1run. 
No. I didn't register for a half yet. I guess I'm pretty much a chicken. I should have done it sooner and now the $100 registration fee is hard to swallow :(   

Monday, March 10, 2014


I had an awesome run on Sunday. I felt great and maintained a pretty great pace the whole time. The first 4 miles were all under a 10min mile! 

That is all after I slipped and fell on black ice less than 1/4 mile in. Luckily it happened at the track portion on my run so i didn't have an audience. Bummer though, I ripped the knee of my favorite tights. Good thing they were a TJ Maxx bargain. It's almost time for capris anyway.

The boo boo. I got lots of kisses from Olive and it feels much better.

I'm a little sore this morning so I did a little shake out recovery run on the treadmill (3.2miles) and when Olive goes down for her nap I have a date with the foam roller.

Later this day Olive decided the pool table chalk was eye shadow. Ekkkkk I just love  this crazy girl!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

From One Into The Next

I cannot explain what is happening but I am completely fed up with the illness in our house.We barely got over the stomach bug before we were hit with a head cold. We just can't catch a break.  However, the kids are in good spirits so we're just going to roll with it.

Big plans to visit our friends in Pittsburgh were derailed because Brad got called back to work. Yeah for money but Boo for missing friends :( I was really looking forward to spending time with her and her squishy baby.

On a different note. Olive sure cracks me up. I can't get enough of her. Here, I am using my foam roller and she decides to be dazzle me (and her) with all her princess jewels. She really wanted me to put on one of her dresses too but I'm pretty sure if I was able to get into it that we'd have to cut it off. Or i would just wear it everyday. Olive does call me 'Your Majesty' and 'Your Highness' on the daily. I wonder if I could talk Brad into that :)

Brad was able to attach the old headboard from my grandmas house onto Olive's bed frame. It's pretty darling and O LOVES it. I think Grandma would love that we are using it.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Breakfast Guests

We have guests for breakfast this morning as my sister and her husband have the 7th, 8th and 9th viewing of their home in only 9 days. Crazy. Fingers crossed they sell because they have their eyes on a house just 6 miles away!!

CORRECTION: I checked. It's only 3.6 miles away. 3.6!!! 

I made Pumpkin scones, mini quiches, and fruit salad.  

And then we played while my sister went for a haircut.