Thursday, June 30, 2011

Build N Grow #3

Another Build N Grow @ Lowe's.

Dane and Brad build a 'waving flag' for the upcoming 4th of July.

-We start swimming lessons this week. Should be fun but challenging as this time I will be getting 2 kids ready. Luckily, I will have some help a few days where my dad and or mom will be meeting us there to help in case Dane needs or wants someone to get in the water with him.

-Dane still has a massive attitude problem but the 'trash bag' technique is helping the situation and I plan to continue to use it. He absolutely hates having a toy thrown away!

-Olive has had some good nights lately. Usually starts off with a nice 3 1/2 to 4 hour stretch and then follows with another 2-3 hour. She's becoming more vocal, making more noises than just crys and smiling more.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Olive turns 1 month old.

Here she is modeling her swimsuit that Breanna bought her :)

She was particularly cheery this afternoon and I caught some of her 1st real smiles on camera! I was so excited, Isn't she cute!?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summit Fun

For the first time since Olive was born we loaded up the fourwheelers and headed to The Summit for some fun. For those of you who don't know, The Summit is a chunk of land that the Grimes family own together and is used for hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, fourwheeler riding,etc. Dane loves it there.

The boys rode the trails.

Then headed down the drive to play in the Mac O Chee.

Looking under rocks for crawdads.

Friday, June 24, 2011

So Blessed

Just a little shout out to our family.

I am so thankful for each one of you. We've had some trying times here lately adjusting to a new baby and knowing that I can count on you to help me out is so priceless. I can't thank you enough. I wouldn't know what to do without you.

Look at these little miracles! Thank you god for these babes.

* I remembered a tip that a patient of mine gave me today regarding the attitude that a 3 year old can develop and different techniques to disipline them. Something that worked for her was a technique that I call 'The Trash Bag' I tried it this evening (wenesday) and it's worked so far. When Dane is bad, says something bad or is disrespectful I get to choose a toy and toss it into a trash bag. If Dane is good, he gets a toy back. So far so good. He has a couple toys in the bag right now and if he's good I'll give one back before bedtime.

Wish me luck ;)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grimes Family 2011

Just a few photos from our family photo shoot done by

Olive @ 1 week old.

* This is going to be a REALLY LONG day. Olive was kind enough to sleep for 4 straight hours before she decided to be up and fussy for 2 solid hours last night. Oh, I'm tired this morning. Then Dane woke up at 6 and wouldn't go back to sleep and his attitude leaves something to be desired.

I had plans to try and have some fun today, maybe take Dane to the pool but I'm not taking him anywhere. I'm entertaining the idea of pawning him off on somebody else so I can gain some sanity. He's good for everyone else! Why is he being such a brat? Where did I go wrong? I tried so hard to make this transition as smooth and easy as possible for him.

Makes me feel like a bad parent that I can't seem to handle this.

I'm sending up a S.O.S to god.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Dad!

No Longshore get together is complete without a little goofing off!

Of course the kids had to try out the Lucy mask too!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

June 7th 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Family Day

Scott's Family Day @ The Zoo!

The entire clan

(minus Morgan and Kelsey who hadn't arrived yet.)

Morgan and Olive

The petting zoo.

This poor goats fur never looked so good :)

Dane's 1st trip to the waterpark. He loved it, now I'm concerned we'll never be able to make a trip just to the zoo without him throwing a fit about not going to the waterpark.

from left to right: Catrina, Claire, Elise, Dane and Brad

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Olive Meets 'The Greats!'

Olive meets her Great Grandma Longshore!

Olive meets Great Grandma Slemmons!

Oh, Dane. Must you always be the clown? What do I expect?

He is part Longshore!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Water Play

Last week was SO HOT. Not that I'm complaining, it beats the constant rain.

In an effort to keep my 3 year old with a major attitude happy I busted out the sprinkler, and it worked to keep him pleasant for most of the day.

In about 10 minutes he went from this....

to this.

Why do kids never leave their swim wear on? Makes me wonder why I even bother to put it on him in the first place. Oh well.

* Oh for goodness sake. Can I not catch a break? or rather I thought I had. After a long and not so pleasant pregnancy I was lucky enough to have a relatively quick simple delivery and a quick easy recovery and then 2 weeks later..........


-Body ache



-Abdominal pain

-a general feeling of death

Diagnosis: Endometritis or rather an infection in my uterus. Why me? Well, No particular reason my Dr. says... "just bad luck" Awesome. I'm feeling better though, a good strong round of antibiotics and I'm good to go again.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

1 Week

Olive @ 1 week old

How do you stop yourself from kissing this?!

Olive is a really good baby. She doesn't cry much. Maybe a handful of times a day and mostly because she is gassy or needs to poop. She doesn't just cry for fun. She's sleeping better too, only waking up every 3 hours or so and even 4 hours one time!

Now, if only I could get Dane to sleep in alittle and somehow stop the terrible attitude he's been having. It's absolutely unbeliveable! I can't even describe the last 2 days here. Just plain terrible.

Monday, June 6, 2011


We had some visitors over to see Dane and Olive.

Rylee is Dane's friend. They have been buddies since she was born.

She is only 7 weeks younger than him and super cute!

They brought a big brother git for Dane.... A squirt gun! He's been eye balling these at the store and wanted one really bad, so he's pretty happy about it.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Here Birdie Birdie

Our annual craft session of making bird feeders out of pine cones, peanut butter and bird seed.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


@4 days old

She really is the sweetest thing.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day

The day after coming home with Miss Olive was Memorial Day. Brad's cousin Tanner invited Dane to throw candy from one of Zanesfield's Fire Trucks and I wasn't going to miss it! He did a great job.

It was our first outing, Olive did great! While watching the trucks come through town I just kinda wanted to cry. With Olive here Dane just seems so big boy now and while we use to stand and watch the parade together, now I stand with Olive and watch him participate in it.

I kind of just had a moment.

* We're doing pretty well here. Olive is a breastfeeding pro, Dane seems to be adjusting well so far and I physically feel great. This birthing recovery has been a breeze :)

Of course I have more pictures to post of Olive and I'll do that tomorrow.

Stay tuned for more cuteness!