Friday, July 1, 2011

Can you feel it?

The love that they have for each other is amazing, you can just feel it in the pictures.

Grandma Burrey's thing is to quiety sing 'A Bushel & A Peck' into Dane's ear. She's been doing that since he was born and everytime it's like for 1 minute the world stops moving. Dane's calm and quiet and just listens to her until the song is finished. Now that Olive is here Grandma B sings to her too with the same effect.

"I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck"

"A Barrel and a heap, barrel and a heap and I'm talking in my sleep about.....Dane"

Great Grandma Burrey with Dane & Olive

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