Friday, March 19, 2010

Stacking Wood

My 2 year old thinks he's 10! That's my theme for the last couple weeks it seems. He talks and acts so much older than his age most of the time and then of course he resorts to the typical 2 year old tantrum when he doesn't get his way. Can't belive how fast these last years have gone. My baby is 2! He's potty trained now, exp at nights. If he has to go to the bathroom, he doesn't announce it and ask for help, he just walks off and heads to the bathroom. He thinks he's just going to wipe himself too! He also can dress himself, get himself into the carseat, buckle himself into the high-chair, etc. Not sure why he needs me anymore :(

Just to serve him his meals I guess.

Anyways, Here's Dane "helping" Brad by un-stacking the wood and re-stacking it in the middle of the driveway. Cracks me up alittle how he's in camo and he blends right into the wood.

Some of the pieces of wood he was picking up were kinda big, that kid is strong! This is my favorite picture, I like how he's got the wood slung over his shoulder like a tough guy!

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